Typically, positions are held for a two-year term. Voting takes place in even numbered years (2022, 2024, etc.) for the President, Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Director of Football Operations, & Assistant Director of Cheerleading Operations and odd numbered years (2023, 2025, etc.) for Vice President, Secretary, Director of Cheerleading Operations & Assistant Director of Football Operations. Contact all board members at once by emailing [email protected] 
Shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the Executive Board. He/She will be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and shall have general charge and direction of the business of the Board, subject to the control of the Board. Will be a signee on all bank accounts.
[email protected] |

Shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties, specifically, responsible for football and cheer, the games, scrimmages, scheduling, and tournaments. Will coordinate any training or clinics for the coaches of the Association. Will also act as the Assistant Treasurer and will review the accounting on a monthly basis. Will be a signee on all bank accounts.
[email protected]

| Under the supervision of the President shall be responsible for recording the meeting activities of the MEPW and maintaining the appropriate files and mailing lists. In addition, shall be responsible for completing all correspondence of the Executive Board. The secretary will maintain responsibility of issuing minutes of the previous monthly meeting to members of the Executive Board and Board of Directors, and make available copies of minutes at the next monthly board meeting. The Secretary will also send a copy upon request to any active adult member. Will file the necessary paperwork each year with the Secretary of the State.
[email protected] |

Shall be responsible for the physical inventory, storage and upkeep of all the Association’s equipment. Will act as the Purchasing Agent for the Association in regards to equipment and uniforms. And will follow the purchasing guidelines outlined in Article VII, Section 7.
[email protected]

| Shall keep the fiscal accounts of the Board, including an account of all monies received or disbursed. At intervals of not more than one (1) month, he/she shall prepare or have prepared for the Board, a monthly report showing (1) all financial transactions from the previous month and shall provide copies for all Board members at the monthly meeting. In addition, at the (2) May Meeting, the Treasurer shall prepare a financial report for the said fiscal year, indicating the financial conditions of the Board. Shall provide a copy of this report for all Board Members at the May Meeting. He/She may endorse for and on behalf of the Board, checks, notes and other obligations and shall deposit the same and all monies and valuables in the name of and to the credit of the Board. Also, files taxes and necessary forms to maintain 501(c)3 and Public Charity Status.
[email protected] |

Director of Football
Shall oversee the day to day operations of the football program and act as the point of contact for the Association’s football parents. Will be responsible for upholding the Pop Warner Code of Conduct for Football participants, coaches and parents. The Director will report any problems within any football division to the Executive Board, and see the problem through to its resolution. Shall be responsible for all Football administrative duties including, registration, certification and database management.

Director of Flag Football
Oversee's the day to day operations of the Flag Football program for Fall and Spring Seasons |

Director of Cheerleading
Shall oversee the day to day operations of the cheerleading program and act as the point of contact for the Association’s cheerleading parents. Will be responsible for upholding the Pop Warner Code of Conduct for participants, coaches and parents. Will report any problems within any cheerleading division to the Executive Board, and see the problem through to its resolution. Shall be responsible for all Cheerleading administrative duties including, registration, certification and database management.
[email protected]
| |
*** All information provided herein is provided as-is please consult the official Milford Eagles Pop Warner By-Laws for Official Information ***